On-Site Magazine

Construction equipment advances have wide-reaching benefits

By Adam Freill   

Construction Equipment Equipment Technology

AEM releases study examining how heavy equipment evolution brings benefits to the industry as well as society as a whole.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) recently released a study outlining how construction equipment technologies have advanced the construction industry while benefitting a wide range of stakeholders, from contractors, to owners, to society in general.

Benefits of Construction Equipment Technologies and Their Impact on Society details four construction equipment technologies that play critical roles in advancing the industry, and thereby enabling benefits to productivity and performance, planet and environment, as well as people and safety.

(Image courtesy of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers)

The trends explored in the study include machine and grade control, engines and drivetrains, digital control systems, and machine telematics.

“Today’s equipment offers incredible technologies for operators, and it’s critically important for industry stakeholders to learn how to leverage them effectively and maximize their potential,” said John Somers, AEM’s vice-president of construction and utility. “In releasing this study, we are not only showcasing how today’s construction equipment continues to advance our industry, but also highlighting the benefits of contractors and equipment owners adopting leading technology as part of their business practices.”


“Technology has revolutionized the construction equipment industry, enabling us to design and manufacture machines that are smarter, safer, and more sustainable than ever before,” said Jason Daly, John Deere’s vice-president of production systems, sales and marketing. “By embracing these technologies, the construction industry will continue to evolve and revolutionize how we design, build and maintain the world around us.”

The study examines automated functions and telematics, as well as the move to cleaner and more fuel-efficient engines, to show how technological innovations have significantly enhanced productivity, reduced downtime, increased safety, and improved overall project outcomes.

“Technology has a critical role to play in addressing the many challenges faced by our industry, including the ongoing shortage of skilled workers, cost inflation, project schedule and cost overruns and our industry’s carbon footprint,” added Peter Large, senior vice-president, buildings and infrastructure at Trimble. “While we have come a long way in our digital transformation journey, the productivity, first-time quality, safety and sustainability benefits of full equipment technology implementation for all stakeholders are not only highly compelling, they are becoming increasingly essential to our future.”




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